суббота, 11 января 2020 г.


For international sales please consult the distributors page for local contact information. Supplied in packs of 1, Protective Pouch: This instrument can also used with a nasal tube , for sampling breath from a comatose patient in medical applications. Approximately g, with batteries Warranty: When changing batteries, replace BOTH cells. A short time later their alcohol level is shown on the clear, easy-to-read display: Suppliers of quality, calibrated breath alcohol testing equipment to UK police forces. lion alcolmeter 500 software

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LION alcolmeter 500 User Handbook Manual

Portable testing equipment where alcohol control is paramount to health and safety. This device is the sister unit of the highly successful UK Police Lion B - exact same device with commercial software added.

This then ensures that during subsequent breath testing all digital readings are accurate. Typically 5s at 0. sovtware

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In a word - No! Accurate, portable testing products to determine the presence of alcohol in the breath. After a short delay the instrument is ready to use again on the next subject, as required.

Fit a mouthpiece, turn on, wait for 'take sample' message'. If you have bought a Lion P see below and need to print off the result, connect the printer and it will automatically print off the test result. Please select from our range.

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See Below for further details. Either a dry-gas or a wet-vapour simulator Dimensions: The Llion P Alcometer Breathalyser has all the features of the standard Police issue Lion but also offers the ability to link to a portable printer.

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It uses Lion fuel cell sensor, so the reading is very unlikely to be affected by anything in the subject's breath other than alcohol. Supplied in packs of Nasal Tubes: Recommended once every two months Calibration Adjustment: Subject Breath Test Procedure 3.

Data Download Cables for the Lion Alcolmeter , and SD models

Technical Details Alcohol sensor: The small icon at the bottom right shows battery charge level. After a short delay the instrument is ready to use again on the next subject, as required. The operator switches the instrument on and, when instructed, attaches a new mouthpiece to the small sampling port.

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Blow until the tone stops and then read the display - UK Driving limit is 0. Either change the disposable batteries as described in the following Section, or recharge the rechargeable unit.

He or she then instructs the subject to blow through it until the sample is taken. A manufactured for use with AA batteries cannot then be used with a rechargeable battery and vice versa.

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For extracting breath test data from the instrument to a PC operating on the Windows platform. Please initially refer to the instructions issued with that software product, before using it for the first time. Change or charge batteries when Low Battery appears. This switches instrument simply press FSA and release.

This is for fast yet accurate, fully quantitative breath analysis, and can be used literally anywhere.

RF emissions Therefore, its RF emissions are Supplied in packs of 1, Protective Pouch: Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters as determined by an electromagnetic site survey, should be less than the compliance level in each frequency range. Instrumentation for a wide range of market sectors to identify problem drinkers and protect from alcohol related risks. View All Tests Instrument Description Please note the following user features of the instrument:

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