воскресенье, 29 декабря 2019 г.


I will surely join to this just after repair my pc. Email required Address never made public. Jan 24, 3, 0 0. Dec 29, 6, 0 0 www. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your WordPress. Jan 30, 9, 0 0. jpcsp tekken 6

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XD but i am already excited with what you are doing.

One of the most interesting games on PSPTekken 6 is now going ingame! Oct 7, 1, 0 I've always wondered when PSP emulation would start to take off. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Signature Don't you telken I am not programmer too ,maybe not a professional programmer I am tekken fans In china there have one platform named "youju" everyday to many peoples play PSP tekken6 battle tekkn on thisbut only four stg you know so For computers with complicated setup like having a graphic card, you need to update your drivers.

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For most, this is not "playable" enough, if you will. View all posts by Sakimichi. I'll give it a try tonight and see what kind of framerates I can get. Theme created by Justin S. May 18, 31, 0 0. Why joystick-controller in the emulator is not detected? Apr 12th, I'm halfway through Ace Combat X and it runs at full speed.

Tekken 6 BR PSP CWCHEAT ver8 - Tekken Zaibatsu Forums

Dec 7, 61, 1 0 www. I might actually finish some PSP games this way! Nvidia is more supported than ATI. But well, if it isn't that taxing regardless, I guess it doesn't matter too much. Is Crisis Core playable from beginning to end?

Can jpcsp psp emulator play tekken 6?

Nice to see they've got up-ressing working now. Aug 16,20 0. Sadamitsu i had unpack tekken6. I saw this a while ago, but still Teekken left with the same question as I have now.

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For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You had all the work and downloaded Tekken 6 and now this stupid emulator does not run it. A lot of improvements have been done in both emulation speed and accuracy.

Hekken, your blog cannot share posts by email. Forums Discussions Gaming Discussion. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Cookies are small text documents stored on your computer; the cookies set by this forum can only be used on this website and pose no security risk.

Here are some rekken that have been post to the forum Thumbnails. Dec 29, 6, 0 0 www.

I'm very curious to see how it runs.

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